Friday 17 August 2007

Skype login problems

According the the Skype heartbeat blog there are ongoing problems with Skype login.  Appears to have been going on for 24hrs now.

Not good! Tags: , , ,


Anonymous said...

i did log on! but its a worldwide problem i guess cuz i can see onlu 2,5 millions of people online. usually the number reaches 8 mlns.

Anonymous said...

I can logon now but it does not connect, so still cannot call or send SMS

Unknown said...

Meu skype não conecta desde ontem ... tenho várias formas de me conectar e por nenhuma funciona. Isto é que dá ter um serviço meia boca. Sempre disse que VOIP é brinquedo não dá para confiar.

Anonymous said...

Hey you folks at SKYPE need to fix this asap as you are loosing your customers. This is really critical and unfortunate for you. Hopefully, you can fix it in a timely manner and still retain some customers to keep you going.

Best of luck

Anonymous said...

I also seem to be having skype problems, but what is the real problem, why's this happening ?

Anonymous said...

How log is it gonna take to fix this,'cause I really need skype right now !!!

Larry said...

Thanks for keeping all informed on the heartbeat site. I hope this is resolved asap

Unknown said...

I really hope that Skype find a solution quickly to their sign in problem, and find a way of keeping down time to a minimum.
I think VoIP is the communications tool of the future and any loss in confidence in its reliability could put its progress back years.
Good luck, Skype.

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